Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!

Happy 1/2 year old birthday to my baby girl!!! I cannot believe that my Addi girl is 6 months old today!!! It seems as though the last 6 months have just flown by....and today, I have mixed emotions. I am happy and excited on one end because she is starting to be soo much fun, smiling and laughing and "chit chatting" and I am looking forward to the months to come like crawling and saying "mama".....but on the other hand I am kinda sad because she is getting sooo big and isn't really a baby-baby anymore, you know. She's getting to be so independent, she wants to hold her own bottle now and is into everything and doesn't need me for certain things anymore. It's amazing though to look at her an see her daddy in her and see this little person that she is becoming. She's def not a"blob" anymore :-) She is such a good baby and so sweet and so loving....I could not have asked for a better little girl.

Today, 6 months after she came into this world, I think about how much our lives have changed...soooo much for the better. She has brought so much joy into our lives and so much happiness. She makes me smile everyday. She makes me realize what life is all about and makes me want to be a better person and a better mother. I am so thankful that she has come into our lives and could not imagine my life without her. So, today I say...

"Happy 1/2 year old Birthday to you, Happy 1/2 year old Birthday to you, Happy 1/2 year old Birthday dear Addison Rylee....Happy 1/2 year old Birthday to you!!!"

I LOVE you baby girl!! Love, Mama