Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hello and Happy March to ya'll! Well, it's been about a week since my last post and boy has alot happened!! Where to begin??? Well I guess I'll start by saying that Addi has been SICK since last Friday! :-( I had noticed that she had been coughing a bit for about a week but didn't think much of it since she seemed ok overall. But then after I picked her up from daycare on Friday afternoon and...the HELL began!

She wouldn't eat her dinner & was pretty cranky all night. I put her down about 9pm. She slept till about 1am or so & that was it! She cried & fussed from that point on until about 6am when she passed out from crying so much & the Tylenol that I had given her. I was so frustrated & tired & heartbroken cause I just couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. Mind you, even though she is not sleeping through the night, she is a great sleeper. I can put her down anywhere & if she's even slightly sleepy she'll go down without a hitch. So when she wouldn't go back down I tried everything...I changed her diaper, I tried feeding her, I tried rocking her, & I tried letting her cry it out (which i NEVER do cause I just don't like to do that). NOTHING worked...which is totally abnormal for her....

So she finally passed out from about 6-7:30am....which is about the only sleep I got as well. Then on to Sat Dan had baseball practice & us girls just hung out. She was ok during the day...not too bad but DEF not herself. Not nearly as smiley & def NOT in a great mood. So we just chilled. Sat night rolled around & again I put her down like normal at about 9pm. She went down ok but woke up again at 1am!! And the same scenario repeated itself. It was horrible to say the least!! I was so tired i could barely keep my eyes open! And by this point I felt so bad that I couldn't figure out what was wrong with her that I broke out into tears! I could not figure out what was wrong with her and could do nothing to comfort her or make her feel better, which is of course is my main job as her mother. I could feel it in her eyes that something was wrong...

So we made it through Sat night...barely...& on to Sunday. Dan's parents came by to help me out & to try & see what was wrong with her. Mind you I had been taking her temp but it was only 99.6 at it's highest so I didn't worry about it too much...but was def monitoring it. So right when they got there she was just waking up from her nap so I decided to take her temp to see where it was at and it was 101.6!!! NO BUENO! Michelle took one look at her & said "well i can tell you right now that she def has an earache..." Poor baby girl! She was burning up, had a terrible cough, a runny nose, and just plain not happy. :-( How miserable!!

So being the new mom that I am...I called the Kaiser advise line just to be safe. The nurse had no real info for me that I didn't already know...but she was helpful in saying that I was doing everything right. Tylenol every 4 hours, keeping her cool-but not too cool, & just trying to comfort her. So that's what I did...

We decided to schedule an apt the next morning just to be safe so went to Dr. Doan's Monday morning & right away he knew something was up...he checked her out...chest, ears, mouth, nose, the whole nine yards...and sure enough it was an ear infection! Plus she also had this chest/respiratory virus called RSV. Kinda like a common cold but in the chest. I guess it's pretty common among kids who are in daycare. She he prescribed some Amoxacillin & said to keep on the Tylenol & let her get some much needed rest & she should start feeling better in a couple of days. So I stayed home for 2 days with her & wouldn't you know she is feeling 10 times better! She still has a pretty rough sounding cough but overall she seems much better. I think maybe she just needed some extra Mommy time to make her feel better ;-) hehe (which I have no complaints about...because other than the fact that she was sick...I LOVED every minute of my time with her!!)

My little one is def a trooper to go through several days of all that. I know it was rough on me so I can only imagine how rough it was on her!! She we've got her on 3.5ml of Amoxacillin every morning and night plus her Tylenol and she hates it to say the least...but I can def see it starting to work. Which is a huge relief to me because I tell you ABSOLUTELY killed me to see my baby cry & scream & be in pain & not being able to do anything to help her. It was horrible! I hope that this does not repeat itself anytime soon...

So that has been our life in a nutshell for the last week or so... :-)

And since miss Addi has been sick & we've been home alot...we've been catching up on our DVR'd shows...All I have to say is The Bachelor, American Idol, and 24 ROCK! Such great entertainment! :-)

Ok well, I guess that's all for now. I have some pics of Addi that I will be posting later so look for those. Hope you all are enjoying this wonderful ;-) weather that we're having here & have a great week! Until next time...xoxo Aly